Call-in discussion: ADHD, dyslexia and autism are just a few examples of how individuals can be neurodivergent. This hour, we’re discussing what it means to think differently than the "typical" mind.
Host Connor Cyrus will talk with newly diagnosed neurodivergent adults and parents of neurodivergent children to hear about their challenges and successes. He'll also talk to advocates who say every brain works differently and that the world should accommodate all brain types.
Our guests are:
- Dr. Mel Houser, executive director of All Brains Belong VT in Montpelier
- Brad Smith, executive director of Vermont Learning-Support Initiative in Hardwick
- Kari White, neurodivergent mother of four, including three neurodivergent children, in St. Johnsbury
- Melinda Moulton, grandmother of a nonspeaking autistic 18-year-old
Broadcast live on Thursday, Nov. 10, 2022 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.
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