There are difficult discussions that happen during our lives. Sitting your child down to talk about the facts of life is one. Breaking up with a loved one is another.
And then there is opening up about your own mortality. Talking about death and dying. It's not easy or comfortable.
Irene Kacandes is a professor of German Studies and Comparative Literature at Dartmouth College. Steve Gordon is a massage therapist in the Upper Valley. The two have been corresponding about death and dying for the last four years and are the authors of "Let's Talk About Death: Asking the Questions That Profoundly Change the Way We Live and Die." They join us to discuss how to start the conversation about death and dying.
Also on the program, Agency of Natural Resources Secretary Deb Markowitz is attending the COP 21 Climate Change Conference in Paris. She updates us on what's being discussed there.
Broadcast live on Wednesday, December 9, 2015 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.