Brittmy Martinez, a rising second-year student at Vermont Law School, is one of three VLS students recently named to the National Black Law Students Association's executive board. She is the chief of staff of NBLSA.
Martinez spoke with Vermont Edition about her involvement with NBLSA and her aspirations in the legal profession.
She says law is "one of the tools made available to a lot of people that want to enact some type of change in their communities, whether it be economic change, social change, political change." Focused on environmental law, Martinez hopes to return to her hometown of Houston, Texas after finishing at Vermont Law School.
Martinez says that she has learned to get "comfortable in uncomfortable spaces" while studying in Vermont. "Staying in your own niche doesn't effect change. You have to be able to step out of your comfort zone and visit communities that don't necessarily share your views but have the same objectives."
In addition to Martinez, the organization named VLS students Alexis Agredo as national director of programs and Phanuelle Duchatelier as national director of pre-law.