An event that took place last week on a field in Bolton gave new meaning to the term “farm team.”
The first-ever Farmer Olympics, sponsored by NOFA-VT, attracted 14 teams of athletes who competed in a series of whimsical agriculture-related events.
What little spandex there was at this athletic event was worn strictly for comic effect.
And the footwear tended more toward Muck Boots than Nike.
Of the 14 teams competing for the gold, perhaps the smallest was the trio from Last Resort Farm in Monkton.
Mike Proia and David Littlefield came for fun. But teammate Addy Campbell had her sights set higher.
“They’re doing this just to entertain me, but I’m pretty stoked to bring home some gold here!” Campbell said.
The Farmer Olympic opening ceremonies were something to behold. Each team took to the field of competition and introduced itself.
After that, there were chants directed to the spirits of agriculture.

Some events took a little explaining.

The first event involved assembling vegetable shipping boxes, racing across a field, breaking them down and reassembling them. Six times!

The team from Last Resort Farm came close to medaling in the egg race.

The 'Farm Calculations" event tested teams' problem-solving and math abilities.

Teams combined efforts to compete in the bucket brigade event.

A piggyback ride was just one part of the physically demanding final event.

In the bonus round, the winner was the team that could bunch beets the fastest.

Farmer olympians David Littlefield, Addy Campbell and Mike Proia represented Last Resort Farm in Monkton.