This year Senator Bill Doyle tabulated almost 14,000 surveys from all parts of the state, and by a margin of 56 to 33 percent, those responding to the Survey said they didn't want to increase the gas tax to pay for road and bridge repairs.
Doyle says he was surprised by these results.
"I will say that I knew it would go down but I didn't think it would go down 2 to 1, said Doyle. Most of us drive to work and when you drive to work you're using a lot of gasoline."
The survey results also found strong support for legislation that would decriminalize the possession of small amounts of marijuana. The margin on this question was 61 percent in favor and 31 percent opposed.
"I think most people get it, instead of having a penalty for life on your record you could pay a civil fine and that's why I think there's more support for decriminalization than for legalization."
The survey results also show strong support for expanding the state's bottle deposit law to include all bottled beverages, and a proposal to keep most non violent offenders out of jail.
Those responding to the survey also supported allowing law enforcement officers to use tasers as long as these officials had received proper training with this weapon.