Life unfolds in strange and mysterious ways. But the two cooking gigs of a Vermont chef might be the oddest food/venue combination on record; yet Chef Andrew Ryan makes it work.
Ryan is executive chef at Wake Robin retirement community in Shelburne and also a co-owner of the funky cafe, Drifter's, in Burlington's Old North End. Seven Days food writer, Sally Pollak, recently spoke with this double-duty chef about his strange culinary juxtaposition.
In this episode of The VPR Cafe, hear about Ryan's cooking philosophy, the meals he prepares and how he successfully juggles both jobs. You can also learn more in Pollak's Seven Days article, "Farm-To-Institution Dining At Wake Robin."
The VPR Cafe is made possible with support from Bistro de Margot in Burlington. A chef-owned restaurant offering modern, French cuisine in a casual atmosphere.