This month, we’re catching up with a Saigelyn Green, a composer we featured in the past and who is now in a very different phase of her development as a composer and musician.
Green is a graduating senior at North Country Union High School and plans to study music in college. We spoke about the musical experiences she has had since our last feature and what’s on the horizon for the budding composer.
Her school has been very supportive of her music career, Green says. "The last concert that we had, the select choir, the North Country Select Choir, sang Oh Ship, and I’m in that, so I got to sing my own piece which was amazing,” she says. “One of my brass quintets that I wrote ... I arranged it for concert band, and the band, with 80 kids in it, played my piece ... it was amazing and they were so supportive of it."
Last summer, Green was asked to write a piece for Burlington Chamber Orchestra . "It's such an amazing opportunity to be able to write, first of all for an ensemble that big, with professional musicians who have played so much music in their lives. I can't believe that they would want to play my music that I’ve only been writing for a couple years," says Green. "I'm so excited to hear it." The piece she wrote is called Realm of Reflection and she says the music is very reflective of itself.
When composing, Green says she has a few different processes. "Sometimes, I just get something in my head and Ii feel like writing it down,” says the young composer. “Sometimes you don't really know that it happened and you have 10 minutes of music in front of you and you're like, 'Where did this come from?'”
"Sometimes, I just get something in my head and I feel like writing it down. Sometimes you don't really know that it happened and you have 10 minutes of music in front of you and you're like, 'Where did this come from?'" - Saigelyn Green, composer
O Ship That Travellest was Green's first time writing a choral piece. "I didn't have fun when I started it because I've always written instrumental stuff ... I ended up having fun with it once I got through all the words," she says. Green says she used a poem about a ship on the water and going through struggles. "It's kind of about a ship, and kind of about love and life," she says.
The Student Composer Showcase is produced in collaboration with Music-COMP's online composition mentoring program. Find out more at
O Ship That Travellest was recorded for Music-COMP's Opus 29 concert on January 12, 2015 at the Elley-Long Music Center in Colchester. It was performed by Stefanie Weigand, soprano; Linda Radtke, alto; Erik Nielsen, tenor; and Eric K. Brooks, bass.