My skin yearns
for the sideways kiss of morning sun,
for lake droplets lifted off my skin
by balmy dandelion air.
And my laughter waits for dock picnics,
green mountaintops,
and crowded swimming pools.
My nose is searching
for watermelon slices, garden herbs –
almost tasting backyard barbeque.
I await summer's joyous greeting.
But when it comes,
I will reminisce over red-tipped noses,
too-rich hot chocolate,
cross country skiing,
and silver flurries.
I will wait for crisp air,
warm socks and sweaters,
soup, and fireplaces –
so is the seasons' curse.
Don't wait for summer,
for snow,
for red leaves,
or flowers sprouting.
Venture out and discover
the unique season that is today.