Are Vermont's independent doctors an endangered species? As the state's health care system continues to evolve, many independent physicians worry they'll be gobbled up by a few large organizations or simply left in the lurch. We're talking about the current landscape for Vermont's independent doctors and looking at what the future may hold.
For one independent doctor's perspective on this, we hear from Dr. Paul Reiss. He's a family medicine doctor and a partner at Evergreen Family Health in Williston. He's also the chief medical officer at HealthFirst, Vermont's independent practice association.
Also on the program, it's a great time for birders to find shorebirds flying through our area. Vermont Fish and Wildlife non-game bird biologist John Buck helps us spot plovers, sandpipers, whimbrels, and more.
Broadcast on Wednesday, Sept. 7, 2016 at noon and 7 p.m.