Erin Bundock, a 17-year-old high school senior from Shelburne, writes about dancing and urging her dance partner to relax and go with the flow.
By Erin Bundock
Right, left, back, forward.
Slow, slow, fast, slow.
Look at me –
do you need to see your feet?
Your shoulders bob haphazardly;
my hips sway with our bouncing hands.
It's okay.
I know you're taller, but let's spin – I'll lead.
Don't worry, the lights are dim;
no one can see you're tripping –
Come back to me.
Smile, laugh with the beat;
laugh to slow, slow, fast, slow –
and no, you don't need to see your feet;
let them flow.
Now you're swinging.
So look at me.