I Wonder Why I Wonder
By Jacob Surks
Grade Five, Browns River Middle School
I wonder why I wonder?
I wonder if a plane could fly to the edge of the atmosphere?
It would be cool but can it be done?
I wonder... I wonder
I wonder if you could drain the ocean with a milk jug?
The problem is where would the water go?
I wonder ... I wonder
I wonder about pollution and if it can be stopped
It is possible but can to work together?
I wonder ... I wonder
I wonder about the future
About pollution
And population
And most of all if earth will still be here
if we will still have fresh air
and people
and new technology
You see there are wanting to know wonders and there are concerning wonders
Fortunately for me there are more wanting to know wonders
But what about you
You can wonder good
You can wonder bad
But you can't just think about one
You have to think about both
But who knows what will happen
So take a moment and
and wonder