Vermont has 625,000 residents, which is 49th in the country in population. Only Wyoming has a smaller population. Even the District of Columbia has more people. But a new study that factored in 15 different indicators, says Vermont might be exceeding its optimum, sustainable population.
Heather Davis, a board member with Vermonters for a Sustainable Population, discusses the report's conclusion for an ideal population for the state when considering such factors as water quality, quality of life, biodiversity, forest cover and a steady state economy.
Also on the program, State Entomologist Alan Graham details the effect the extremely cold temperatures that we’ve experienced recently may have had on some of our invasive insect populations.
Plus, on this Martin Luther King Day, we check in with a few Vermont teachers to learn how they teach the subject of tolerance and social justice.
Broadcast live on Monday, Jan. 20 at noon.