Willem Lange
CommentatorWillem Lange is a retired remodeling contractor, writer and storyteller who lives in East Montpelier, Vermont.
Sitting bundled up on the porch at hunting camp, I put pieces of cornbread on the arm of my chair, and wait. I know somebody's watching. Yep, in a couple…
This time of year, when the leaves have mostly gone from the maples, reminds me of the first paragraph of Moby Dick. With apologies to Herman Melville:…
'Way up in northern New Hampshire, almost at the 45th parallel, is a tiny glacial pond slowly filling in with water lilies. It’s a place I go to when I…
Thanks to Daniel Webster, the border of the United States in New Hampshire is a few rods north of a tiny abandoned beaver dam that's the source of the…
There’s a lovely old Welsh tune, "The Ash-Grove" that elementary school music teachers and scout leaders often choose for their kids to sing. In it, lost…
In the winter of 1958 I was tending bar in Keene Valley, New York, in exchange for my supper and stocking the beer coolers for breakfast, when I heard the…
The wind that blew away the last snowstorm died during the afternoon. And as the sun sank into the hemlocks, the dog and I walked through the woods in the…
On the day World War II ended, our family was in Niagara Falls; and that evening the colored floodlights played on the falls for the first time in four…
The Appalachian Trail enters Vermont coincident with the Long Trail and follows it for one hundred miles. It peels off near Killington and heads east to…
Not many realized how inauspicious the timing of Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor had been. It was a classic example of military leaders still fighting old…