This stream was updated on 6/24/14. The content and schedule were changed to add All The Traditions with Robert Resnik! Check out the new stream, VPR Replay, and review the frequently asked questions.
Original Post, 1/28/14
For years, fans of My Place with Joel Najman had to choose between being near the radio Saturday night or missing the only chance to hear their favorite show on VPR. For the many fans who do listen every week, there's never been a way to listen to the show again: to catch that rare track you hadn't heard before, to hear Joel's fascinating story or insight or to just play it again and enjoy the music.
Well, all that has changed because you can now listen to My Place with Joel Najman online anytime, anywhere!
You can hear the latest two episodes of My Place for the two weeks after broadcast. If you miss the show Saturday night at 8, you have two weeks to catch it on any of your favorite digital streaming players, including the Music Player at VPR.net, the iPhone App, the Android App, iTunes, Windows Media Player, wifi radios and any other MP3 stream player or app.
Unfortunately, due to our music rights agreements there are limits on the programs we can make available, and for how long. Read the My Place Stream Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for all the details on how the stream works.
Check out the latest episode of My Place available now. As of this blog post, the first hour of the stream is Joel's most recent show from Saturday, January 18, 2014, titled "Celebrating Those Who Left Us In 2013." On Sunday morning, Jan. 26, the newest show from Saturday night will take over hour one of the stream, bumping "Celebrating" to the second hour. On Sunday, Feb. 2, "Celebrating" ends its two week run in the online stream and moves offline. This cycle repeats with every new show Joel produces.
Joel and everyone at VPR would love to hear your feedback so please send us an email and let us know what you think. Thanks for listening to My Place Saturday nights and online.