President Obama is doing serious work in Europe this week, meeting with the G-7, NATO and the EU to discuss Russia's actions in Ukraine. He's also joining leaders from more than 50 countries in The Hague to talk about keeping nuclear weapons away from terrorists. But before the intense negotiations got underway, he launched this trip with a bit of culture.
Moments after Air Force One touched down in Amsterdam, the president toured the Rijksmuseum, Holland's temple of fine art. As Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte led Obama through the museum's grand hall with high vaulted ceilings, I asked on Twitter and Facebook:
"What legendary piece of art in the museum (and there are many) is the best metaphor for today's global situation?"
Here are a few of the responses: On Facebook, Harold Levine weighs in with Rembrandt's iconic Night Watch, the crown jewel of the Rijksmuseum's collection.

"All those overdressed, puffed-up men in their military costumes who can't really make anything happen. Crimea, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan..."
The painting is at the top of the page, with Obama meeting the Dutch prime minister standing in front of it.
On Twitter, Robert Vente @bvente suggests The Threatened Swan, by Jan Asselijn.
"Swan aggressively defending its nest against threats/enemies-seems relevant to several situations in the world."
Laura Hoogstraten @LauraH00g offers Rembrandt's Jeremiah Lamenting the Destruction of Jerusalem.
"Jeremiah has predicted the destruction of Jerusalem; so can we predict the consequences of nuclear weapons."
A Twitter user who goes by @Vollyrocks chooses a piece that is not a painting: For the Love of God, by Damien Hirst, which was displayed at the Rijksmuseum a few years ago. Vollyrocks describes it as:
"A skull with diamonds, representing the death of capitalism."
Then there's this suggestion from Ak Palmer on Facebook. She recommends The Little Street, by Vermeer.
" 'The Little Street' lonely, quiet houses due to the people inside isolating themselves with electronics. We are the most 'social' antisocial society."
Finally, more than one person suggested Edvard Munch's The Scream. This painting is actually in Oslo, not Amsterdam, but since it seems to be such a popular choice we'll include it here anyway. No explanation necessary.

You can view the Rijksmuseum's entire collection here and offer your suggestions in the comments thread below. Which piece of art do you think best reflects world events today?
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