Voters in St. Albans Town will go to the polls on Nov. 10 to consider three special election articles. They will vote on constructing a new Department of Public Works building, building a salt shed and rescinding a junk ordinance adopted in August.
The first article on the special election warning asks voters to approve construction of a Department of Public Works building using some "previously collected Infrastructure Development Funds" as well as borrowing nearly $2.5 million. The second article asks to use $268,000 already on hand to build a new salt shed. The third article, prompted by a voter petition, seeks to overturn a junk ordinance approved by the select board in August.
The warning states:
ARTICLE 1 Shall the Legal Voters authorize the Selectboard to construct a Department of Public Works building using previously collected Infrastructure Development Funds and to borrow up to $2,482,000 paid for over 15 years at a cost of up to $213,000 annually?
ARTICLE 2 Shall the Legal Voters of the Town of St Albans authorize the Selectboard to spend an estimated $268,000 to construct a new salt shed, using previously collected Impact Fees, Department of Public Works, Infrastructure Development, Capital Project, Highway Salvage and Capital Equipment Funds?
ARTICLE 3 Petition of Legal Voter, request to rescind the Junk Ordinance approved August 24th, 2015.
Voting will be held at the Collins Perley Sports Center, from 7 a.m. until 7 p.m. on Nov. 10. Informational meetings on the articles will be held at 6:30 p.m. on Nov. 2 and Nov. 9 at the St. Albans Town Hall.