At camp we play a game called
“Women, Stand Up.”
We stand up for what we’ve accomplished.
We stand up for when we’ve been hurt.
And we stand up for our truth.
Women, stand up.
All of the intelligent engineers,
painters and singers.
The brilliant architects, chemists,
mechanics and dancers.
Stand up, not just because you are a woman –
but because you’ve accomplished something amazing.
You have been you.
To the non-believers –
don’t be surprised at what we can do,
for the world tries to separate women and education
just as much as they try to separate art and science.
Unfortunately for them,
we can’t be classified as “art people” or “science people.”
We can't be stopped by others’ inability to innovate.
We aren’t just “people.”
The headlines won’t read, “First woman to…”
They will simply state, “First to…”
Because when we succeed,
why does our gender matter?
We are the out-of-the-box thinkers
and the creative organizers.
Our veins pulse with numbers,
colors, emotions, ideas,
intelligence, compassion, confidence.
Women, stand up –
because we are the listeners.
We are the ones who understand.
We are the ones who bring life into the world,
and science, and art and love.
It’s interesting that men think they can harm us;
it’s ridiculous they believe they can control us.
Everyone is capable of harm –
let’s stop fitting a stereotype.
We have the potential –
we, the women of the world,
we, the future leaders of the world.
We cannot afford to make excuses,
because even though we are just as qualified to do the job –
“their” job –
we have to work harder to be listened to.
Women, give respect,
even though sometimes we aren’t granted the same courtesy.
So, women, stand up.
Because we are strong,
and above all else,
smart and capable.
Guess who invented paper bags,
windshield wipers, alphabet blocks,
liquid paper, dishwashers,
Monopoly and Kevlar?
Guess who rule Switzerland,
Poland, Chile,
Germany, Brazil,
Jamaica and Denmark?
All women.
Women, stand up,
because confidence is key.
We are key –
to reinventing our homes, our worlds and our truth.