Hello new classrooms with bright, shiny pencils.
Goodbye old carpets with scattered, worn-down leads.
Hello new bus routes with unfamiliar faces.
Goodbye old, busy road which I used to tromp down.
Hello new cafeteria with a rumor the food is more than just edible.
Goodbye old pizza Wednesdays with your cardboard crust.
Hello new foreign, grayed buildings with undiscovered grounds.
Goodbye old, red schoolhouse with luscious flower tree fields.
Hello new strange, winding halls with large throngs of people.
Goodbye old warmly dusted vestibules cramped tight with friendly bodies.
Hello new classes opening with a variety of minds.
Goodbye old insular cliques and frustratingly annoying people.
Hello unpredictable grading system.
Goodbye old nothing-but-straight-A’s.
Hello new teachers.
Goodbye old teachers.
Hello new friends.
Goodbye old friends.
Hello new memories.
Goodbye old ones.
Hello new school.
Goodbye old school.