Molly Austin, a seventh grade student at Camels Hump Middle School in Richmond, wrote this piece for Vermont Writes Day on March 12. Young Writers Project organizes this day each year to honor writing and receives hundreds of submissions from students across Vermont and New Hampshire. Molly chose the “Free Write” prompt, to write about anything in any style.
Block Island
By Molly Austin
Grade 7, Camels Hump Middle School
Five hundred twenty-four miles from home, I am sitting on the cliffs of Block Island, watching the sunset over the ocean. The sky looks like cotton candy, and the wind is blowing through the tall seagrass, making it dance. Once the sun sets, the crackling fire keeps us warm, and the s'mores keep us full. I dance around the beach with my best friend Mary until we decide to go for a late night swim. The water is warm here in August, about 75 degrees.
We make our way to the water, simply enjoying the sound of the waves crashing on the beach. It is cold at first, but not for long. My brother joins us in the water, and soon Mary’s brother Dylan does too. We swim and laugh, and then we return to the beach and light sparklers and fireworks. After that we head home. It is one of those moments that you never want to forget, when everything is perfect for a little while. Sometimes at school, when I am tired and just want to go home, I try to go to that place.