This is the latest installment of Homegoings, a series from Brave Little State that features conversations with Vermont artists of color. Follow the series here.
Also, we have exciting news! On February 11, some of the artists featured in the series will join forces for a soulful evening of performance, art and conversation. You can find more information about Homegoings: A Live Performance here.
Note: This episode contains strong language.
Our show is produced for the ear. We recommend listening to the audio above if you can! But we also provide a written transcript of the episode here.
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Featured artist:
Liza Phillip paints characters they refer to as monsters, which have no gender and represent all people. The goal for their work is to be inclusive of all types of people with a focus on the LGBTQ+ and BIPOC communities. To see more of Liza’s art, check out their website.
Have a recommendation for a future Homegoings interview? Get in touch with our team by emailing
Homegoings is a production of Vermont Public, created by the Brave Little State team: Myra Flynn, Josh Crane, Angela Evancie and Mae Nagusky. Mae Nagusky reported, produced and mixed this episode. Myra Flynn composed the theme music. Other music by Liza Phillip, including the song “Do It Cause It Feels Good.”
Special thanks to Hannah Braun, Dan Cahill and Remi Lemal-Brown.
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Homegoings is a special series from Brave Little State that features conversations with artists of color who live in Vermont — about Black grief, resilience and music. Follow the series here.
Also, we have exciting news! On February 11, some of the artists featured in the series will join forces for a soulful evening of performance, art and conversation. You can find more information about Homegoings: A Live Performance here.