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Aging in full color

Angel Clouthier and her Grandma Jean are charting their own path around living life, getting older, and doing it together.
Photo: Myra Flynn
Graphic: Zoe McDonald
Angel Clouthier and her Grandma Jean are charting their own path around living life, getting older, and doing it together.

Forget about aging in place, how about aging in paradise? For the launch of season two, Homegoings goes out of the country, to Mexico, for a conversation with Angel Clouthier and her grandmother Jean, a duo who are defining elder care in their own creative and colorful way.

This is the latest episode of Homegoings, a podcast that features fearless conversations about race, and YOU are welcome here. Follow the series here.


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To take care of your elders in your own home, allowing them to live their very best final years of life surrounded by family, sites, conversation and other stimulation — is a pretty common thing in many cultures outside of America.

But Western cultures, like ours, are a horse of a different color. Here in America, we place so much value on youth and independence. Because these values are directly tied to our ability to work — something that diminishes in old age, seemingly along with our value. So many of our elderly in the U.S. age in assisted living facilities, and nursing homes, separated from their children and lifelong friends.

Angel Clouthier, a world-renowned DJ, model, songwriter and ultimate creative doesn’t believe in nursing homes. She also doesn’t believe in completely giving up her creative free spirit. So when her 96-year-old Grandma Jean ended up in her care full-time at the start of the pandemic, she said, “Grab your bag, Grandma, you’re coming with me.”

Angel and Jean now live in Mexico where they chill at the beach, attend day parties, check out Angel’s DJ sets and dance together in the kitchen. Miraculously, it seems no creativity, sense of freedom or personal independence was harmed in the making of their story. Angel and Jean, make room for it all.

So, for the launch of season two of Homegoings, I traveled to Mexico for five days to learn more about the colorful ways these two are living life, getting older, and doing it together.

 “As soon as she saw the sunshine, and all the happy people and people complimenting her and just being interactive and respectful of her, she glowed. So she's just very, very happy here. And she loves all the food and the fruit and yeah —  it's night and day.” - Angel Clouthier .

***A heads up: This episode contains strong language and unbleeped swearing***

Angel Clouthier

Angel (right) and Grandma Jean Clouthier (left) when Angel was a toddler. Angel says they've always been close and remembers Christmas in Canada with her from a young age: "That house was so full of memories and it was always a packed house. We've always done like really proper Christmases with massive trees and just presents just overflowing the house and just decorations everywhere."

Angel Clouthier

Today, Angel is a model, songwriter, DJ and ultimate creative living her best life in Jalisco, Mexico. She's also taking care of her Grandma Jean full-time.


Though Angel is a full-time caregiver Jean, she didn’t put her life or creative career on hold, she made room for this life change and figured out a way to do it all.


Angel and Jean spend their days together, dancing, beaching, walking, gardening and browsing  street vendors. They are embracing life and finding their own way to care for each other.

Deep listen

Angel Clouthier says, ‘I’m like a cat. I always land on my feet. Everything’s a whim, but if you have a good heart it goes a longer way than a big wallet.’
Myra Flynn
Vermont Public
Angel Clouthier says, ‘I’m like a cat. I always land on my feet. Everything’s a whim, but if you have a good heart it goes a longer way than a big wallet.’

Check out this previously unreleased original song by Angel Clouthier and producer Anton Glamb.

Dream Man
by Angel Clouthier and Anton Glamb



This episode was reported and mixed by Myra Flynn with help from James Stewart and edited by Saidu Tejan-Thomas Jr. Music was composed by Myra Flynn, Alan Garcia, Angel Clouthier and Anton Glamb. All other music comes from Blue Dot Sessions. Special thanks to Vermont Public data journalist, Corey Dockser and Zoe McDonald, the graphic artist behind our Homegoings artist portrait.

See you in two weeks for the next episode of Homegoings. As always, you are welcome here.

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Corrected: April 22, 2024 at 3:49 PM EDT
A previous version of this story included language around paying taxes as an artist. It has been removed to better reflect Angel's experience.
Myra Flynn joined Vermont Public in March 2021 and is the DEIB Advisor, Host and Executive Producer of Homegoings. Raised in Vermont, Myra Flynn is an accomplished musician who has come to know the lay of dirt-road land that much more intimately through touring both well-known and obscure stages all around the state and beyond. She also has experience as a teaching artist and wore many hats at the Burlington Free Press, including features reporter and correspondent, before her pursuits took her deep into the arts world. Prior to joining Vermont Public, Myra spent eight years in the Los Angeles music industry.