The annual Town Meeting Day is upon us all. Are you aware of your polling place? Do you know what issues are up for votes in your community and around the state? How do you plan to follow results? This is the post for you.
How, when and where to vote
Town Meeting Day 2019 is Tuesday, March 5.
But even if that's marked on your calendar already, you should check the schedule for your particular town. Some communities hold their town meeting in advance of Tuesday (like over the weekend or on Monday night). Find out how things are done where you live to make sure you know what's happening when.
Looking for the warning of issues to taken up, or a sample ballot to peruse ahead of time? Check with your town clerk and/or the town's website.
You can also seek out information on Vermont Secretary of State's elections webpage. That includes polling place information, instructions on registering to vote and more.
We ❤️ Town Meeting Day! Do you know where your #TownMeetingDay2019 polling place is? Find that, and more information, on our website, so that you can be prepared to vote in your local municipal election!
— Vermont Secretary of State’s Office (@VermontSOS) February 21, 2019
Reminder: Vermont has same-day voter registration. That means you can register to vote on the day of the election.
A sampling of issues around Vermont
In the lead-up to Town Meeting Day, VPR has been looking at issues generating conversation in communities around Vermont. Here's some coverage to catch up on:
- Many Town Meeting Day School Budget Votes Will Be Delayed As Act 46 Fight Continues
- In Elmore, Fire Truck Purchase Is A Burning Town Meeting Day Question
- Plastic Bag Ban To Be Debated At Town Meetings Across Vermont
- A Look At What's On Burlington's Town Meeting Day Ballot
- On Town Meeting Day, Derby Voters Will Weigh In On Coventry Landfill Expansion
- Morristown or Morrisville: Town Meeting Question Asks Voters To Make Up Their Minds
- Montpelier Weighs Energy Standards For Residential, Commercial Property
- Former Gov. Jim Douglas Ending Long Run As Middlebury's Moderator
And there's more: A proposed parking garage is on the ballot in Winooski, while Brattleboro voters will weigh in on if 16- and 17-year-olds should vote in local elections. And will Cabot approve a nonbinding resolution to be a "Pollinator Friendly Community?"
We've been talking about these topics and will be keeping an eye on results as they roll in.
Follow us — and join in the conversation
Feel free to help us keep the greater Vermont community informed by sharing results from your town.
So how can you get in touch? You can send us an email with results or tweet us @vprnet. If you send us a tweet, include the hashtag #TMDVT — and for that matter, follow that hashtag for updates from various news outlets and community members on Tuesday.
Besides following along on social media, we'll have a live blog up on our website on Town Meeting Day, as well as a post we'll update with town and school budget results. On the air, we'll have a few more newscasts into Tuesday evening, and then of course tune in for more results on Wednesday during Morning Edition.

Correction 6:03 p.m. A previous version of the post mentioned a Town Meeting Day recap on Wednesday's Vermont Edition — that actually isn't definitive yet, but we'll update here if that does indeed come together (and in any case, you can always reach out on social media to share your comments).