The Vermont Secretary of State and the Vermont Attorney General's Office are seeking a second round of feedback from the public on their proposal to regulate home improvement and construction contractors.
Lauren Hibbert, director of the Office of Professional Regulation with the Secretary of State, said the initiative began after staff at the Attorney General's Consumer Assistance Program noticed a high frequency of complaints from property owners about services provided by a variety of contractors.
Vermont statute requires the Secretary of State's Office of Professional Regulation conduct a cost-benefit analysis before the creation of new professional regulation. In producing that analysis — called a "preliminary sunrise assessment" — Hibbert's office held a first round of public hearings which, she said, produced a high volume of feedback.
Hibbert said her office has since recommended "what we would consider light regulation." That regulation would include a registry of contractors, required insurance and a written contract between property owners and service providers.
Now, Hibbert said, the two agencies are doing due diligence before the next legislative session.
Public hearings will take place on Nov. 27 in Burlington, on Dec. 4 in Springfield, and on Dec. 11 in Newport.