The state has shut down The Hermitage ski resort in Dover.Last week, the Department of Taxes put the exclusive private club on notice because it was not turning over the rooms and meals, and sales, taxes it was collecting from its customers.
Hermitage spokeswoman Meridith Dennes says the company worked out a temporary arrangement with the state that allowed it to open this past weekend.
But Monday, Dennes says The Hermitage was not able to come up with enough money to meet its obligations.
“Unfortunately, we were not able to make this payment as planned and have been ordered to remain closed for operations until it is paid,” Dennes said late Monday. “We are working diligently to secure the funds to allow us to open for this coming weekend.”
The Hermitage has been facing mounting pressures over the past few months to meet its financial obligations to local contractors, to the town of Wilmington, and to the banks which financed the company’s development around the Deerfield Valley.
In late February, Berkshire Bank filed a foreclosure notice on the company saying it defaulted in more than $16 million in loans.
The Hermitage owes the state of Vermont more than $1 million in back taxes.
Vermont Tax Commissioner Kaj Samsom says state employees were at The Hermitage Monday afternoon posting public notices on the doors, and the company is not allowed to open until it is able to come up with enough money to make its payments to the tax department.