A security lapse earlier this summer has compromised the social security numbers of nearly 700 customers on Vermont Health Connect.Officials learned of the lapse when a Vermont Health Connect customer discovered her name and social security number on an online document while conducting an internet search.
The state of Vermont hired a company named WEX Health to perform payment processing for the online insurance exchange. Sean Sheehan, communications director at the Vermont Department of Health Access, says a company hired by WEX, called Samanage, was responsible for the mishandling customers’ personal data.
“WEX has hired as forensic investigator in order to determine number one how this incident happened, and number two whether anyone else saw the list,” Sheehan says.
Sheehan says there’s no evidence that the lapse has resulted in identity theft for any Vermont Health Connect customers. Sheehan says the state expects WEX to protect customers’ credit if their identities are compromised.
“Vermont fully expects that they will fulfill their responsibility to protect the customers’ credit if anything amiss is found now or in the future,” Sheehan says.
Sheehan says WEX is sending letters to affected customers to inform them of the lapse.
This post was edited at 9:26 a.m. on 10/14/16 to correct the title of Sean Sheehan; the headline was also edited.