In Norwich Monday, Gov. Peter Shumlin held the first in a series of public forums to discuss his proposed "all-payer" health care model. He and the Green Mountain Care Board presented a draft of the program.
The waiver would pay health care providers based on quality of care over quantity, eliminating the "fee-for-service" model. Care providers' pay would be assessed based on how healthy their patients are.
Not all those who attended were convinced by the idea.
State Sen. Dick McCormack, from Windsor County, says he has not made up his mind on whether or not he thinks the all-payer model would be right for Vermont.
“One concern I have is this idea of holding providers responsible for the behaviors of their patients. If someone is obese and smoking cigarettes, it's not the doctor's fault if that person has a heart attack,” he said at the hearing at Norwich's Montshire Museum.
Two more public forums to discuss the all-payer plan will be held in Burlington and in Rutland over the next weeks.
Thursday, Oct. 6, 4-6 p.m., University of Vermont Dudley H. Davis Center, 590 Main St, Burlington (Directions and Parking)
Tuesday, Oct. 11, 4-6 p.m.,CVPS/Leahy Community Health Education Center, Rutland Regional Medical Center, 160 Allen Street, Rutland.