Wilmington residents looking for minutes and agendas of municipal meetings are being told not to look on the town website, www.wilmingtonvermont.us, at least for the time being. The site has been infected with a virus, and they're working to get to the bottom of it.Wilmington Town Manager Scott Murphy says the town is working with the hosting platform GoDaddy and a local IT contractor, and they hope to have the site cleaned up soon. In the meantime, residents looking for minutes and agendas can email Administrative Assistant Jessica DeFrancesco, or look for paper postings at the traditional spots in town.
The virus first appeared a few weeks ago. While on the town website, visitors report a popup that makes an emergency alarm sound and tells the visitor to click through to another site. Murphy says it started at the select board minutes, but has since moved around the site.
"Every day it's something new," he said.
Murphy said they hope to have the site clean by the end of the day.