The Dartmouth fraternity that inspired the movie Animal House will no longer be recognized by the College following allegations that members branded their skin.
Dartmouth officials decline to be interviewed but write in an email that an adjudication committee “has found Alpha Delta fraternity responsible for violating Dartmouth's standards of conduct in connection with the branding of some new members of the fraternity by other members in the fall of 2014. Alpha Delta was also found responsible for violating the terms of its suspension in effect at the time of the branding. Based on these findings, the OAC has derecognized Alpha Delta as a Dartmouth student organization.”
The fraternity claims that the branding was not required of new members, who chose it as a “form of self-expression.” Fraternity President Ryan Maguire says Alpha Delta is “disappointed by this decision and are exploring the options available to us, including the appeal process.”
Loss of recognition means that Alpha Delta would not be an approved student residence, and could not receive any college funding. The fraternity owns the property, though. It has until April 20 to appeal the decision.