The Rutland County Solid Waste Alliance Communities, also known as SWAC, is rewriting its solid waste implementation plan. The alliance is looking to residents of its member communities to help shape the new plan, which is being drafted to comply with the state's new Materials Management Plan and Act 148, Vermont's universal recycling and composting law.
New state standards dictate each solid waste entity in Vermont, such as SWAC, must work toward the following goals:
- Prevent waste from being generated.
- Promote sustainable materials management, with a preference for highest and best uses.
- Minimize reliance on waste disposal (landfilling and incineration).
- Conserve resources, minimize energy consumption, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other adverse environmental impacts.
SWAC's existing solid waste implementation plan was adopted in 2005. The new plan will include a new approach and format provided by the state, providing the following information:
- How the SWAC towns will educate the public on the reduction and diversion of recyclables, yard trimmings, food scraps, clean wood, hazardous waste, pharmaceuticals, textiles and construction and demolition debris; and beneficial uses of bio-solids.
- How the SWAC towns will work with schools and businesses to improve their waste diversion programs.
- How the SWAC towns will improve waste reduction at events and public spaces.
- How recyclables, organics, hazardous waste, textiles, construction and demolition debris, and biosolids are managed in the SWAC towns.
- How the SWAC towns will implement variable rate pricing for residential trash and recyclables.
- Criteria for siting solid waste facilities in the SWAC towns and procedures for including solid waste facilities in the plan.
- Solid waste facilities and haulers that operate in the SWAC towns.
Towns in the alliance include Benson, Chittenden, Fair Haven, Middletown Springs, Pawlet, Rutland Town, Shrewsbury, Sudbury, Tinmouth and West Haven. Residents, business owners and stakeholders in those communities are encouraged to weigh in on the plan rewrite.
Written comments can be emailed to SWAC Administrator Pamela Clapp. Comments will be accepted until the SWAC Board adopts the final, state-approved draft.