On Town Meeting Day in Wallingford, voters approved a $900,000 bond vote for renovations to the elementary school. And now school officials are hoping they will do it again.
Although the Town Meeting bond vote passed 287-190, the measure was not adequately warned. Vermont law says warnings for bond votes must be published for three consecutive weeks and posted at least five places in town for two weeks prior to the vote. That didn't happen according to the letter of the law in Wallingford, so a second vote will be held this month.
According to the Town of Wallingford website, and informational meeting will also be held the evening prior to voting:
An informational meeting regarding the bond vote for Wallingford Elementary School renovations will be held at the school on Monday, April 21 at 7:00 p.m. Voting will take place Tuesday, April 22 from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall.
The planned renovations to Wallingford Elementary School include a new roof, a redesigned entryway and the installation of an elevator and solar panels. In a Town Meeting vote that did pass muster, voters also approved selling the Little Red Schoolhouse to help pay for the project.