Taxpayers in St. Johnsbury will decide on Tuesday whether to spend more money on education this year. The proposed school budget is up almost $900,000 from last year, which would raise property taxes by about 11 percent.
On average, the town budget on the ballot would bring an additional 10 percent tax hike. Town Manager John Hall says the municipal budget will rise by only about one percent, but non-tax revenues have dropped by about $300,000, so residents will need to make up that difference.
“You know we are basically budgeting for the same level of services that the town had last year and has had for the last several years," said Hall. "To make any substantial cut in that requires [asking] what services do the people want less of?”
He says most services, like road maintenance, fire, and police, are not really discretionary.
Also on the ballot is a recall provision for ousting elected officials.