The introduction of large Wal-Mart stores has long been debated, but the state’s small population and the modest size of Vermont communities has always limited how many stores it’s been financially feasible for the company to build.
There are five Wal-Marts in the state. Most recently the company opened a 150,000 square-foot store in St. Albans.
On the other hand, dollar stores have found Vermont communities an ideal fit for their much smaller sized outlets.
The largest of the chains, Dollar General, has 20 stores in Vermont with more planned.
Family Dollar lists 14 store locations and Dollar Tree has five stores in the state.
Dollar General’s expansion plans have raised concerns in some communities.
The company builds stores as small as 7,200 square feet. A Dollar General spokesman says an area with just 1,400 families is enough for a store that size to turn a profit.
The proliferation of small-box stores is seen as a challenge to Wal-Mart and industry watchers have noted the strong earnings of the dollar chains in contrast to waning Walmart revenue.
Now Wal-Mart is fighting back with a line of smaller Wal-mart Express and supermarket sized Neighborhood Market outlets.
Wal-Mart currently operates 346 Neighborhood Markets and 20 Wal-Mart Express stores and it has plans to increase their numbers by as many as 300 in the current fiscal year.
None of the existing stores are located in the Northeast, but Vermont may prove an attractive market, based on the experience of Dollar General which says business is strong in the state.
Dollar General has more stores in Vermont than any other New England state.