According to the state of Vermont, 2,995 Vermont addresses do not have access to broadband. The state includes cable, DSL, fixed wireless, mobile wireless and fiber networks in its tally, but does not count satellite internet service.
The chart below shows the number of addresses in each town which, according to the state, don’t presently have access to broadband. The chart is based on data as of Dec. 31, 2012, but the state says the number of unserved addresses remained virtually unchanged in 2013.
Officials stress there are plans in place to provide service to all but a handful of the addresses.
Columns in the chart indicate the number of addresses that FairPoint and VTel are planning to serve.
The state’s number is disputed by some and this chart is likely to raise questions from residents of towns listed who feel the numbers are not accurate or that their service does not meet broadband standards.
As reported in the past, Vershire is Vermont's most underserved town. According to the state's data, 308 town addresses are without broadband service.
In addition to the FairPoint build-out indicated on the chart, Vershire is one of 10 towns currently included in ECFiber's expanding service area.
Town officials estimate Vershire has a total of 405 addresses and suggest the number of unserved addresses may be lower than the state estimate because some residents have been connected to ECFiber's network in recent months.