The Progressive caucus called for a $15 minimum wage in Vermont. Staff members at Vermont Public Television called for board resignations. Solar subsidies for net metering received overwhelming support in the House. Vermont Technical College reported a growing deficit. And the Vermont Farm Show was held at the Champlain Valley Expo.
These were some of the voices in the news this week.
Economic Bill Of Rights' Seeks $15 Minimum Wage, 1/28/14
Representative Chris Pearson: “Could any of us, could any of you, live on $8.73 an hour? … And could you survive on $8.73 an hour if you were getting minimal or zero benefits? That is the reality if you live at the bottom of the chart.”
VPT Staff Members Want Board Resignations, 1/27/14
VPT Board Member Thomas Pelletier: “We did not properly provide a notice following the meeting that such a session had been held by way of stating the group that met, the date of the meeting and the reason for the meeting; the reason being a personnel matter. Had we done that, we wouldn’t be in the middle of this current discussion.”
Solar Subsidies Get Overwhelming Support In House, 1/29/14
Darren Springer, deputy commissioner of the Department of Public Services: “If you see solar panels on your neighbor’s roof or in a farm field, that’s probably a net metering project.”
VTC President Updates Trustees On Growing Deficit, 1/30/14
Vermont State Colleges Chancellor Tim Donovan: “We’ve had a saying for years in this system that one bus load of students not showing up can make the difference between being in trouble and being in good shape, and that’s the case here. One busload of students.”
Robotic Milkers And Precocious Sheep, 1/29/14
Martha Haggerty: “I’m Martha Haggerty. I’m Chet Parsons sister, who recruited me while they’re having their sheep meeting. I’m sheep tending. They were born November 17. Not planned. Sometimes nature gives you little prizes, which is great for the Farm Show because it was the right timing to bring babies. And everybody loves them.”