The town-owned island on Curtis Pond, in Calais, is a popular destination for summer campers. Along with that popularity, has come the need for increased accountability, according to the minutes of Monday's Calais Select Board meeting.
The island came up a couple times in discussion at the Calais Town Hall. The first issue was raised by Virginia Clammer, a member of both the Calais Lakes and Streams Committee and Vermont's Lake Wise Program. She reported the town-owned public swimming area on Curtis Pond will be receiving a Lake Wise Award for good stewardship practices. However, she said, the island property is not eligible for the award in its current condition. The meeting minutes state:
The island, on the other hand, really needs some work in order to qualify for a Lake Wise Award. The work needed is to put rocks around to provide stabilization and building a moldering privy (the design plan was provided with the estimated cost of materials at $1,500.00 with free labor).
The issue of a lack of any type of privy or pit toilet on the island was also recently raised by a disgruntled camper on the online community forum service Front Porch Forum.
The select board authorizing Clammer to fundraise for the project and solicit labor assistance through the Vermont Youth Conservation Corps.
Toby Talbot made a motion to allow Virginia Clammer the opportunity to pursue the building of a privy and to solicit funds from the Maple Corner Community Center and others to get it done using free labor from the Youth Conservation Corp [sic]. The motion was seconded, voted on and carried 4-0.
The island was again the topic of conversation later in the meeting, when the select board reviewed a Vermont League of Cities and Towns template for a municipal noise ordinance.
Denise Wheeler informed the Selectboard that she had some issues raised about noise and unruly guests on the Curtis Pond Island. Denise discovered the town does not have a Noise Ordinance and obtained a template from VLCT. Other noise control options were also discussed, including ways to hold campers more accountable for their behavior.
The Selectboard spoke about different options to control noise such as having VSP [Vermont State Police] or our constable go there. Rose Pelchuck spoke in favor of devising a process with some accountability such as a sign up sheet to have people reserve the island in advance for camping.
While no action was taken, the select board as tentatively scheduled to continue the discussion at its next meeting on August 12.