With hot and humid weather expected to continue for another day or so, ISO New England has asked consumers to voluntarily conserve power during peak hours, especially the afternoon and early evening.
But the current heat wave has not put the strain on New England’s power grid as deeply as in past years.
Dorothy Schnure of Green Mountain Power says that past heat waves set new peaks of usage, and occasionally caused some generating units to go down.
"But, now we have enough generation on the system, people have done a lot of energy conservation methods that have really helped to reduce the overall peak, and all that has worked together," Schnure says.
But she says consumers can still help by conserving energy during heat waves.
"That really helps keep the stress off of the electric system," Schnure says. "And actually, overall it helps keeps costs down, because the higher peak you reach, the more it costs the system."
Schnure advises customers to keep lights down and delay using appliances such as clothes dryers until after 8:00 p.m.