The Blood in This Town, the documentary about Rutland’s grassroots effort to revitalize itself will make its European debut this weekend.The 80-minute film by Art Jones will be shown Sunday in Breda one of Holland’s largest cities.
Monique Mols, a Breda native who translated the film into Dutch says she hopes the can-do spirit in Rutland will inspire residents of Breda who’ve seen their city hurt by unemployment and the European Debt Crisis.
“The charm of the film is that these are real, normal people in a situation that anyone could get into and we actually have cities in the Netherlands that remind me very much of Rutland - cities that are struggling because the industry is leaving them and they need to find new ways to make a life again and to rebuild something of their community and I thought this is a theme that could work here as well,” says Mols.
Since its debut in Rutland two years ago, The Blood in This Town has been shown in cities across the country - including in Atlanta two weeks ago during the Environmental Protection Agency’s National Economic Redevelopment Conference.