A recent Dartmouth graduate shares her experiences at Camp Kesem.
The summer solstice is an opportunity to mark the passing of time.
Some Vermonters pride themselves on getting by without air conditioning, but data shows most Vermont homes rely on it as summers get hotter.
Ice cream and sorbet makers across Vermont share insights into their production process, favorite flavors, and more.
In Japan, knotweed is eaten as a leafy green when it has first sprouted. In Vermont, there are no natural controls for the plant and it grows rapidly and indiscriminately, crowding out native plants.
The adult beetle that emerges from the soil has the common name Japanese beetle, named for its country of origin. The beetle arrived on cargo ships in the early 1900s and is prevalent east of the Mississippi.
Even if they are green and healthy, you can prune the leaves from your tomato plants. Knowing how and when to prune and pinch the suckers will help the plant divert all its energy and nutrients into growing stronger. You'll be rewarded with more tomatoes, too.
Poets laureate and other literary luminaries from all 50 states plus D.C. and Puerto Rico recommend quintessential reads that illuminate where they live.
Much adored and written about in Japanese haiku, the peony blooms beautifully in our region, too. Learn the different hybrids to plant and then enjoy the breathtaking peony all season long.