Green Up Day is around the corner. We learn about grassroots efforts across the state to remove trash from our communities.
A student journalist covers Green Up Day. Plus, the mental health of Vermont’s young people, vaccination expansion, and Pfizer for 12-15 year olds. Oh,…
Saturday, May 1, marked the 51st Green Up Day. During this uniquely Vermont springtime tradition, thousands of Vermonters take to the streets to pick up…
Every Tuesday, a group that calls itself the Trash Tramps takes to the streets of Montpelier to pick up litter. They start their quest with a rallying…
Sunday is Orange Up Day in Cambridge. It’s a hunting season twist on Vermont’s spring Green Up Day tradition and organizers are hoping this new event will…
A couple weeks ago, a message went out on Mont Holly's listserv from someone who found a cache of used hypodermic needles along a roadside when the…
Saturday, May 2 will be the 45th annual Green Up Day in Vermont. The first Green Up Day was held in April 1970, just days before the first Earth Day. Now…