Looking for the latest news about COVID-19 in Vermont? Select any of the headlines below for more of our coverage.
For the most recent data regarding case numbers, testing and more, head here.
Gov. Phil Scott says the CDC's county-by-county risk assessment approach for COVID-19 doesn't work well in a small, rural state like Vermont.
A new state plan aiming to make rapid COVID tests more accessible is taking a different approach than what's been outlined by the White House.
Join us for our regular health update with Vermont health commissioner Dr. Mark Levine. He answers your questions about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus and more for Tuesday, Nov. 23.
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus and more for Monday, Nov. 22.
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus and more for Friday, Nov. 19.
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus and more for Wednesday, Nov. 17.
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus and more for Tuesday, Nov. 16.
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus, Sen. Patrick Leahy's announcement today that he will not seek re-election to the U.S. Senate and more for Monday, Nov. 15.
Vermont reporters provide a roundup of top news takeaways about the coronavirus and more for Friday, Nov. 12.