The newly protected land, which makes up roughly 600 acres, is open to the public and includes important habitat for species like the state-endangered American marten.
In 1970, biologist Roger Payne released an LP called "Songs of the Humpback Whale.” It played a key role in igniting the modern environmental movement, and helped bring whales back from the brink of extinction. Payne, who lived in South Woodstock, died over the weekend.
One of the largest remaining parcels of privately owned forest in central Vermont has now been conserved permanently.
Earlier this month nearly 50 volunteers armed with rakes and large pruning tools gathered for the annual spiny softshell turtle beach clean up day. The conservation effort, organized by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department, helps ready the beach for hatching baby turtles.
The federal government says it will soon tighten regulations around a group of contaminants linked to cancer and other illnesses. Labs are now looking for ways to detect these "forever chemicals".
To bolster U.S. preparedness for a warming world and to create jobs, President Biden wants to retool and relaunch one of the most celebrated U.S. government programs, first established by FDR.
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