Favorites from England, Ireland, and Scotland, Texas songwriter Tom Russell's 75th birthday, and much much more.
This program will air on Sunday March 5th from 7-10 p.m.
This week's calendar announcements:
The Westford Music Series presents the Missisquoi River Band on Sunday March 12th at the Westford Common Hall, 21 Brookside Road. Music begins at 4 p.m.
North country musician Andrew VanNostrand will be performing at NovaArts in Keene, NH on March 9th with the Rear Defrosters and on Saturday March 11th at the Black River Coffee Bar in Springfield, VT.
The Vermont Mandolin Trio, featuring Jamie Masefield, Will Patton, and Matt Flinner will be playing at the Artistree Community Arts Center in Woodstock on Friday March 10th and at the Metronome in Burlington on
Saturday March 11th.
Burlington, Vermont musician Colby Crehan is returning to the stage with a new band named Marsh Lights. The former vocalist and songwriter for the Bluegrass Gospel Project and PossumHaw reunites with PossumHaw bandmates for the new 5-piece acoustic project. Marsh Lights debuts at the Whallonsburg Grange in Whallonsburg, NY on Saturday, March 11th six years to the day of her last local appearance, a farewell show with the Bluegrass Gospel Project on March 11, 2017.
On Friday March 10th at 7:30 p.m, Irish traditional musicians Nuala Kennedy and Eamon O’Leary will be performing at the Telford / Connor residence at 1060 Bent Hill Rd. in Braintree. Bring potluck dessert and beverages. This is a great opportunity to see an acclaimed duo perform in an intimate setting. Tickets are $20 advance/ $25 day of show. Checks should be made out to Nuala Kennedy and sent c/o Beth Telford 1060 Bent Hill Red, Braintree, VT 05060.
Atlantic Crossing will be performing at a house concert in Middlebury on Saturday March 11th starting at 7 p.m, at 46 Road 18, $15-20 suggested donation. Seats are limited, so must be reserved in advance by email: bluebirdstudio46@gmail.com.