A special dedication show honoring beloved local musician Tony Barrand, who crossed over to "Fiddler's Green" last week. Featuring Kipling in Dummerston, midwinter songs by Nowell Sing We Clear, and much more.
This program will air on Sunday February 6th from 7 - 10 p.m.
This week's calendar announcements:
The Barre Opera House presents A.J. Croce performing the songs of his late father Jim Croce on Saturday February 12th.
The Vermont trad band Fifth Business will be appearing at the Peacham Library's Winter Coffee House Online at 7:00 p.m.on Saturday, February 12th. For more information please visit the Peacham Library's Facebook page or call 802-535-3682.
Next Stage Arts Project and Twilight Music present a contemporary folk singer/songwriter twin bill with Antje Duvekot and Mark Erelli at Next Stage on Friday, February 11 at 7:30 p.m. at Next Stage at 15 Kimball Hill in downtown Putney. For more information, call 802-387-0102 or visit nextstagearts.org.
The Whallonsberg Grange in Essex, NY (located 10 minutes from the New York side of the Charlotte to Essex ferry dock) presents Jake and Taylor Armerding on Saturday, February 12th at 7:30 p.m.
Please note: Please check on all live events before planning to attend - because of COVID concerns, many shows are being made available online at the last minute!