Bidding a sad farewell to Larry Gordon, a beloved man who has inspired generations of young singers by establishing his youth vocal group Village Harmony, and they have, in turn. forever enriched Vermont's musical landscape. Larry was killed this week in a bicycling accident, but his music will go on and on.
This program will air on Sunday November 14th from 7 - 10 p.m.
This week's calendar announcements:
Moira Smiley is giving a series of local concerts this month with the Vermont Symphony Orchestra Jukebox Quartet; including Friday November 19th in South Pomfret. For more information, check Moira's website:
Snake Mountain Bluegrass will perform toe tapping bluegrass at Brandon Music Saturday November 20th at 7:30pm. Brandon Music is located at 62 Country Club Road in Brandon.
Seven Stars Arts Center in Sharon is excited to announce a monthly music series hosted by Jim Rooney and Colin McCaffrey on Friday November 19th at 7 pm the series starts off with their first guest, Chris Brashear, multi-instrumentalist and singer/songwriter.
On Saturday November 20th Le Vent Du Nord will be performing at 7 p.m, at the Highland Center for the Arts in Greensboro.