This hour: it's Brave Little State's third annual brief history of Vermont road names. We listen as host Angela Evancie and a team of VPR reporters drive around Green Mountain creation in an effort to uncover the roots of some of the state's most unusual road names. Plus: a visit to the archive. We hear highlights from Brave Little State's 2018 and 2019 road name episodes, including a lesson on the elusive origin of Putney's Hi-Lo Biddy Road.
This episode was reported and produced by Angela Evancie, Lydia Brown, Nina Keck and Bianca Giaever.
Special thanks to our question-askers and to Paul Gillies, Craig Whipple, Abagael Giles, Ethan de Seife, Joe Citro, Martha Howard, Jon Matthewson and Barbara Taylor.
Broadcast on Wednesday, Sept. 16, 2020 at noon; rebroadcast at 7:00 p.m.
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