Geese are honking and snowbanks dripping...we play some music for the advent of Daylight Savings Time and a sample of the unique and beautiful music of the Basque people.
This program will air on Sunday March 8th from 7 - 10 p.m.
This week's calendar announcements:
Eloise & Co. (Becky Tracy and Rachel Bell) will perform at Burnham Hall in Lincoln on Saturday, March 14th at 7:30 p.m.
Saturday March 14th - There will be an Old Time Contra and Square Dance in Cabot on 7:30pm at the Willey Building Auditorium.
?The Monadnock Folklore Society presents the third in its series of English Country Dances with the theme “Dance Around Monadnock.” on Sunday March 15th from 2 to 5 p.m. The dance will be held at Hastings Parish House in Walpole, NH, with Chris Levey teaching dances that will appeal to all. Live music will be provided by Kate Barnes and Karen Axelrod .
Elizabeth and Ben Anderson, a Boston-based Scottish fiddle and cello duo will be performing at a house concert in East Montpelier on Saturday, March 14th. For info and reservations please email
The Kibbling Hill Trio will be playing at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the
Upper Valley in Norwich on Friday, May 15th at 7:30 p.m.
The Anonymous Coffeehouse at the Lebanon First Congregational Church on the Green in Lebanon, NH presents the Juke Joynt blues duo, singer/songwriter Jenna Rice, and old timey duo Billy Corbett and Marc Shapiro, on Friday, March 13th, all free. Music begins at 7:30.