Since October, VPR's All Things Gardening with Charlie Nardozzi has taken on your gardening questions. And with warmer temperatures and hints of spring in the air, we'd love some more!
Each Sunday morning during Weekend Edition, gardening expert Charlie Nardozzi shares his expertise and answers questions about outdoor gardening and indoor house plants, plus questions about what you're seeing in the natural world.
We've heard from home gardeners from all over the listening area, from McIndoe Falls to South Hero, from Putney, Middlebury, Marlboro and Eden. And in an effort to ease gardeners' woes, Nardozzi has offered possible cures for a slimy Veronicastrum, suggested methods to tame a rogue rosemary plant, and provided tips for coaxing a blueberry plant to fruit more abundantly (and thus making the gardener the envy of all nearby, berry-loving neighbors).
Now we'd love to hear more from you. And because the long winter days may have made it tough for you to know what to ask about your outdoor garden or indoor plants, here are a couple of prompts that might help get you in the right frame of mind:
Could your garden benefit from a location change? If so, what would you like to know before you move it?
You want a garden but don't have one. What three questions might you have about getting started?
If you aim to be a frugal gardener, what would you like to know about keeping costs low?
Do you have questions about joining a community garden?
Do you have questions about your soil safety?
What about composting?
What garden tools do you need?

All Things Gardening is powered by you, the listener! Send your gardening questions and conundrums, and Charlie will answer them in upcoming episodes. You can also leave a voicemail with your gardening question by calling VPR at (802) 655-9451.
Hear All Things Gardening during Weekend Edition Sunday with VPR host Mary Engisch, Sunday mornings at 9:35.