Pick up a book and start to read.
Close your eyes and let yourself feel.
Let the story take you through it all.
Be encompassed in the bliss of love.
Get lost in the fantasy that is fiction.
Feel the tears spill down your cheeks.
Smile as butterflies swim through your stomach.
Watch yourself be torn
between feelings of love and hate.
Feel the words sink into your skin.
Let yourself be broken.
Put the book down and pace the room.
Let your thoughts spin you in circles.
Pick up the book again.
Savor each page as if it were the last.
When you reach the final page, smile.
You have done something great.
You have let yourself feel all the feelings –
all the feelings we try to suppress.
You have done something beautiful...
beautifully heartbreaking.
VPR's coverage of arts and culture in the region.