Vermont Edition is featuring some of our recent coverage of climate change on our region - including significant changes for weather, wildlife and agriculture. Plus: discussion of what we can do on local and global levels to combat climate change and effectively deal with its effects.
Included in the program are:
- Jason Shafer, professor of atmospheric sciences and director of the Vermont Institute of Applied Meteorology at Northern Vermont University-Lyndon, on the state's shifting weather patterns.
- Tom Rogers, biologist for the Fish and Wildlife Department, on the effects of climate change on wildlife.
- Mark Ferguson, a zoologist at the Fish and Wildlife Department; Bryan Pfeiffer, a field entomologist and writer and Leif Richardson, an ecologist at UVM's Gund Institute for Environment, on the predicted die-off of insects.
- Meredith Niles, a UVM professor in the department of nutrition and food sciences in the Food Systems Program, and Seth Itzkan, Soil4Climate co-founder and co-director, on how food choices and agriculture effect the climate.
Broadcast on Friday, March 22, 2019 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.