Language and politics are no strangers: look no further than finely-tuned political ads or carefully-calculated appeals in candidate speeches. And from Scottish kings to Roman rulers, few have explored how language shapes politics as much as William Shakespeare. We're looking at how the themes and characters of Shakespeare connect with the politics of 2018.
Tom Luxon, a Dartmouth English professor, discusses aspects of Shakespeare's works playing out in modern politics. He'll also discuss how a staging of Coriolanus ?by the Stratford Festival brings the story of a Roman general seeking political power into a modern-day setting.
And Charlie Wheelen, author and policy fellow at Dartmouth’s Rockefeller Center, discusses how Shakespeare's kings and rulers use language to appeal to emotions and influence the public.
Broadcast live on Thursday, Oct. 25, 2018 at noon; rebroadcast at 7 p.m.